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Organizational Consulting Services

Organizations do not intentionally try to make processes difficult and inefficient. Often it starts with one decision, then another, then another that leads to a set of independent processes that really never had a chance to be successful. We believe that if you have the right structure, install “best in class” processes and limit the “one off” scenarios that your decision makers will have high quality information to make the most informed decisions.

Get Maximum Benefit From Your Valuable Resources

Partnering with 3sixty Consulting Group can provide a fresh set of eyes on your organization and recommend, if needed, the necessary improvements to get the maximum benefit from your valuable resources. At times an overhaul of structure and process may be needed but many times there are slight modifications that will be less disruptive.

Bad System Cycle
“A bad system will beat a good person every time” – Dr. W. Edwards Deming

How can we help with overall operational consulting?

  • A plan tailored to your specifications
  • Provide a quality assessment review of your organizational structure and processes (also works well for a department specific review)
  • Work with your team to document processes and identify strengths and weaknesses
  • Provide recommendations for phased improvements to minimize disruption
  • Provide implementation support to ensure the objectives are being met
  • Conclude with a post implementation assessment and report

How can we help with financial consulting?

  • Review overall financial operations and financial health
  • Receive a Financial Scorecard that evaluates multiple factors
  • Assist in mergers and acquisitions
  • Assist with major projects involving complex financial issues
  • Provide fractional and interim services

Call, email or view our calendar for a free consultation

If your organization is caught in a cycle of inefficiency, needing assistance in setting a new structure or want to get an outside assessment, we can help. Start the path to change today by sending an email to or click below to set up a free consultation.

Organizational Consulting Services FAQs


Why Should I Work With 3sixty Consulting Group?

You need an experienced partner in these types of engagements. You need someone that has dealt with many of the issues you are facing.  By partnering with us you are getting experience and a commitment to client service. If our clients do well, they become long term colleagues so we have a vested interest in bringing out the best in your organization.

I know we have issues but where do I start first?

A common mistake is to try to introduce too many changes at once. We recommend setting up a consultation and see if we are a fit for your needs. We can then do a preliminary assessment at a minimal charge and present an engagement plan for you to consider.

How long do the engagements last?

Don’t you love it when you get “it depends” to this answer? Of course, we want to be as efficient as possible but the depth and complexity of the project will dictate the length of time we will be around.


I want to hire you but how do I address staff that may be nervous about the engagement?

First of all, this is common but can be mitigated with the proper messaging. By engaging with 3sixty Consulting Group you are actually taking steps to help your staff. This should never be perceived as a threat and should be viewed as a step forward for everyone involved.

Will you disappear after recommendations are made?

Consultants get a bad rap here because some, but not all, give you a book of changes to make and then leave it to the organization to figure out. Not us. This is part of our client service commitment and we will be there with you through each phase of the engagement. We know change is not easy and there are varying comfort levels with it so we will be by your side every step of the way!

Okay, I’m impressed so how do I get started?

Well thanks for reading to the last line of the webpage. We are also impressed! Simply send us an email to or click here to set up a free consultation.